Isolation in Phuket, Thailand

Rober Downey Jr gives a heartfelt closing speech to Robert Duvell. Not enough to to save him. The movie comes to a melancholic, Hollywood end.

The tension in our apartment matches the fan setting on the air-conditioner. Me and Hannah don’t say anything to each other.

She reluctantly asks for her make-up bag. Fumbles for a second and then frustratingly asks me to close the curtains. They’re already closed.

“Is it raining outside?” She hopes. “Yes,” I lie through my crooked teeth.


It doesn’t look like rain

Break a leg

It’s two weeks after Hannah slipped on piece of crumbling pavement and fractured a bone in her foot. A cliche incident in Thailand that we were all too hopeful to think wasn’t serious.

“I don’t think it’s serious…but I know it’s not a sprain,” she reassured us and herself from the back of the taxi.

The attractive Dr at Phuket International would later tell us the next day that its broken. Our hearts and shoulders sank. His positivity in delivering the news of only a 4-6 week recovery do little to consolidate us.


Within the hour Hannah was casted, drugged and ready to hobble onwards into our uncertain future. A new pair of crutches support her movement.

The sadness hidden behind her eyes echoes our now changing plans. The reality is more serious. As a dancer and yoga teacher this could be devastating.

Spanner in the works

Phuket is the largest of Thailand’s Islands. An extremely popular tourist destination there is a plethora of beaches and activities to keep busy with.

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Rawai Beach in Phuket

We knew though that for us, for now, the activities would be slightly more limited.

Ironically, Amy’s sprained ankle is on the mend. She’s organised a volunteering gig at a hostel in Bangkok and is ready to thrust herself into the backpacking scene.

We indulge ourselves with a farewell dinner on Patong Beach. A selection of fresh seafood and chilled wine accompany a dated entertainer and his Casio keyboard.

Me and Hannah make the decision to rent out a self contained apartment at least for the first couple of weeks to get her recovery off to a good start.

It’s a curve ball for sure but the staff at Dungjai Residence near Rawai Beach look after us like we’re part of the family.

We have everything we need. Cable TV, a mini bar, rapid Internet, space to exercise, a cat called Mr Tom and a decent wood-fired pizza place around the corner.

The days can be monotonous, frustrating and hard but we use the time to re-connect. We probably haven’t been spending enough time with each other lately.

For now Netflix is our Lonely Planet and this apartment is our adventure. The trick is to remember it’s just temporary.